Brand Voting System App

flow-chart | wireframing | database | logo and icon design | manual + final UI

Project Overview

The client of this project was the pharmaceutical company I used to work for. The process of selecting a brand for new drugs was very complex and time consuming, as it was conditioned by a standard operating procedure. Team members are market directors from Europe, Asia and Africa and these activities took up too much of their time.

In order to solve the problems around the mentioned procedure, I suggested to the bosses that I try to create an application that would have all the necessary functionalities to support that process. My bosses were thrilled with the idea and supported me in that project.

My Task

I started working on this project from scratch. After reading the required procedure in detail, I organized brainstorming to collect user requests. This cycle was repeated several times, until we harmonized the technical capabilities and user requirements.
During the design and development process, I was in constant contact with managers who should create content and enter other inputs.


The next phase was to create a basic flow diagram with the expected user behavior. In the following stages of application development, I thought about the detailed state and behavior of the system, data validation, errors, warnings, notifications, etc.

Database diagram

After sketching, I created a database with the required entities and their relationships. During the development of the application module, I added and deleted fields as needed. The final database is shown in the following figure.


To present the idea to the bosses, I made a wireframe of the basic use of the application. The more complicated part with loading content and setting system options was not provided for the occasion. The goal was to make and present as simple UI as possible with a minimalist design, because standard users are mostly the older age group. So I designed three main modules that will be separated by different colors, and a maximum of one to two actions in the form.

Designing the logo and the icon

Three variants of icons and logos were offered and the bosses liked the idea of a star because it is associated with the voting process. The application used a logo with an abbreviated name. The approved version of the icon and logo is below.

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Users Manual + Final UI

After testing the functionality of the application, I proceeded to create a user environment. Two themes of light and dark were offered, and the bosses chose the dark variant. After testing the user environment, in addition to the original application screens, I created a simple user manual and passed it on to users. The app worked seamlessly in a test environment and I got permission to put it into production. The bosses were delighted because aside from functionality and simplicity of the interface, directors of now did not have to spend their time on administrative tasks. Managers also had statistics and reports currently available.

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